CF - The Center for Fiction
CF stands for The Center for Fiction
Here you will find, what does CF stand for in Firm under Business category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate The Center for Fiction? The Center for Fiction can be abbreviated as CF What does CF stand for? CF stands for The Center for Fiction. What does The Center for Fiction mean?The writing and editing business firm is located in New York, New York, United States.
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Alternative definitions of CF
- Confer
- Chronic Fatigue
- Cold Fusion
- Cross Reference
- Compact Flash
- Compact Flash
- Compact Flash
- Cystic Fibrosis
View 452 other definitions of CF on the main acronym page
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- CB C l Boyd
- CPI Caribbean Procurement Institute
- CCO City of Cambridge Ontario
- CSAMSL Caroline South Associates Management Services Limited
- CP Control de Peso
- CSS Campus Security Solutions
- CSCC C Suite Creative Consultants
- COPW City of Oswego Public Works
- CPCR Cut Price Car Rentals
- CTDL Cooper and Turner Distribution Limited
- CFG The Commonwealth Financial Group
- CRIA Capital Region Insurance Agency
- CCA Central Collection Agency